
The Complete Human Genome on CD…

I went to a meeting today with some people who work at Prospect magazine, which markets itself as “the magazine for the intellectually curious general reader”. I wasn’t familiar with the publication before the meeting.

I pick up a copy of the magazine and there’s a CD attached to the front, which I glance at briefly. And then I do a comedy double-take. The CD has written on it in large blue letters on a silver background:

“The Complete Human Genome On CD”

I stood there in some kind of dumbfounded silence for a few seconds, looking at this astonishing declaration with a mixture of feelings.

First came the awe at being in the presence of such an astonishing accomplishment – the same awe I would have felt the CD had contained every book ever written in English.

Then came a certain amount of fascination, and a kind of utopian wonder at the accomplishments of humanity.

And then came a bizarre feeling of betrayal and disgust that I was really not expecting. The same space used by magazines for distributing computer game demos, dodgy shareware programs that crash your computer, picture libraries of animals running or sitting or eating each other – this pure commercial space designed to flog both magazine and product – was now being used to contain an artefact with almost arcane power as if it were the toy in a Happy Meal.

Whether they know it or not, it seems like evidence of the increasing commercialisation of our lives – the ever present opportunity to repackage, rebrand or market anything and everything as a means to the tripartite commerical gods: “Sales”, “Sales” and “Sales”. Something important has been broken.


The future is intelligent slime…

The wave of the future is … wait for it … intelligent slime. That would explain the state of the New Media industry at the moment…


Should I go down the pub or not?

It’s got to a fairly sorry state of affairs when I seriously consider putting up a poll on my site to see if I should go down the pub or not.


Questions in need of answers…

Important questions in need of answers:

Nasal Hair Dye
Ok – this could have been a put on, but I met someone at a party last night who swore you could buy nasal hair dye that made extraneous strands less visible without the continual need to insert sharp things up your nostrils. Is this true?

Which is the best drunken board game?
So, you’ve been out drinking, right, and you’ve come home to play board games with your other drunk friends, but you can’t play Articulate, because -well-it’s a bit hard really, and Monoploy just takes too long, and you’re going to flake out in about an hour and you REALLY don’t have enough time or energy to set up Mousetrap. What is the best board game for this time of night?

Lambchop sideburns: yes or no?
Come on, ladies. Tell us lads what you think…



In the spirit of culture jamming, I saw a t-shirt today when walking through London that was plain white on black and read: “fuck fcuk“. Bravo.


I went to Bristol…

8pm and I’m still at work – pondering life and trying to think through stuff that needs to be thought through. I should probably go and see a film or something – try and clear my head of all the crap that has infested it again.

I went to Bristol on the weekend and I don’t think I have been so relaxed in months. London is a bit of a killer sometimes – it’s like it just doesn’t know when to let up. Bristol was open and lovely and clear and it made me feel … satisfyingly empty, I guess.

I stayed with Rachel in Cliftonwood, overlooking Hotwells, and on Saturday (after a leisurely morning) Pippa and Chris arrived as well. We went out for a lovely lunch with too many cocktails at a place called SevernShed overlooking the river. And we went out for another meal in the evening. It felt like such a complete abandonment of everything that has been getting me down. I loved it.

On Sunday we all met up with Rhys and went for a rather unsatisfying Sunday Roast. But the company was excellent and the environment was pleasant enough. It made me really think about what I’m doing in London and whether it is the city for me. It’s like the size is right but the atmosphere isn’t. I need a little more peace. After all, it only took me two days to feel tense again…


Doughnuts vs. donuts

So I went into Sainsbury’s on Tottenham Court Road to get myself a doughnut. Except they didn’t have any – they only had donuts.

British and American variants on the confection are both spelt different and taste different, with American types being more imaginative, but tasting more processed than their rather less adventurous (but more wholesome) English variants. The latter are uniform in shape and come in frosted varieties with innumerable toppings and different fillings. The English equivalents are doughy, are either ringed or filled with jam (US: “jelly), and come dusted with caster sugar.

I wouldn’t mind this change of sugary goodness if it were not for another change. The sweets in question are now supplied and branded as part of a large American corporation. The traditional English doughnut has been edged out of the Supermarket, to be replaced by what would be termed by the less charitable as its increasingly ubiquitous glossy bastardisation.

Global homogenisation steps itself up one more notch. All we can hope for now is that a future multi-national might decide to rebrand the English Doughnut and relaunch it, repackaged and labelled as a novelty or speciality good. Even food is now a theme-park.


On a need for resolution in "Planetary"…

Anyone who reads Warren Ellis’ Planetary series is, at the moment, overwhelmed by the need to see the current storyline come to some kind of resolution. I’ve found a couple of odds and ends of new that might help stir up even more excitement (over at John Cassaday’s site), including details on the next two issues of the series, the Planetary / Batman cover and a detailed cover grab of issue 13.


What future for Darren Big Brother?

An interesting article on the BBC discusses the future of the Big Brother contestants [Big Brother stars face the future]. There are a couple of particularly choice suggestions:

“Speculation that [Darren] will soon be back on TV screens as frontman to an advertising campaign for instant chicken sauce Chicken Tonight – for a six-figure sum – should come as no surprise.”


What Blogstart really needs to

What Blogstart really needs to do in order to be a useful directory, is to ask a series of questions categorising the site over several trajectories. If the submission page was organised so that you were asked to specify an age range and a location and a type of log (personal, commentary, links, links and commentary etc) anda type of subject (mixed, film, news etc) plus things like gender, sexual preference etc etc. [With the proviso of course that you can leave any section blank], then the one-by-one category search could be replaced by more specific searches – ie. I really want to find a London-based, gay male weblogger who has some personal content on his site etc.etc.

This is probably the direction in which the site is developing anyway, but it bears comment, I think.