
Links for 2006-04-18


On maps of religious adherents in America…

I was talking to Kerry Bailey the other day and – on the pretty feeble pretext that “you like maps, right” – he directed me to a fascinating post about Religion in America in which county-by-county maps of the US predeliction for various forms of religious belief have been posted and discussed. It’s such a fascinating piece of work – illuminating clumps of different religious communities around the place (Jews, Muslims, Lutherans, Catholics, Pentecostals etc). My own personal theory – that places with a lot of different religious groups living together tend to be more secular – does not seem to be immediately supported by the evidence. I wonder if there are maps like this for Europe. That would be fascinating.

Food & Drink

On Paul A Young's very fine chocolate shop…

It’s a little late for Easter, but I thought I should briefly mention a shop that a couple of friends of mine have set up in Islington. It sells the most glorious and award-winning chocolate that I’ve ever had the good luck to wrap my slathering mouth around. I’m not normally one for plugging stuff – too protective of the limited good name that I’ve managed to build up over the last ten thousand years of writing this crap – so please believe me when I say that this little shop is quite extraordinary and well worth a visit. No free chocolate was consumed before this post, other than the stuff that was available to all other passing punters. The shop is Paul A Young Fine Chocolates. It’s in Camden Passage in Islington, and features three chocolates that won prizes (one Gold and two Silvers) at the World Chocolate Awards at the 2005 Chocolate Festival. If that doesn’t whet your appetite, I don’t know what will.

I don’t know how normal this is, but when I visited they were serving little cups of hot chocolate served as the Aztecs used to make it. Here’s some being poured for me by the lovely Paula Le Dieu, who doesn’t work in store, but may be tempted to abandon her successful technology career for a new life as an experimental chocolate-taster. God it was amazing. No milk or cream, but delivering an experience vaguely resembling having the dwarf star equivalent of pure burning chocolate injected directly into your heart. Awesome.


Links for 2006-04-13


Links for 2006-04-12


Did I dream this photo scanner?

Like many of you out there, no doubt, I have a pretty substantial box of paper-based photos that I really never get to see for a range of reasons, but mainly because they’re made of paper and paper’s not enormously useful. As it is a large box, flatbed scanning would just take too long and be frankly much too dull to make sure that I did the whole process. But in my mind there is an image of a smallish scanner that you could feed photographs into and they would be scanned and then come out the other side. More like an automated production line. In my head they’re about two-thirds the size of a shoebox. I can’t see any of the damn things online anywhere though so I’m wondering if they’ve just stopped making them or if I have hallucinated the whole thing. Alternatively does anyone know of somewhere I could take a box of photos into and have them scanned for a not extravagantly ludicrous price? Somewhere in Central London – ideally Soho – would be preferred! Thanks web of experts!

Technology Television

A brief follow-up on TV distribution…

I wrote a post a few days ago called Quick observations on TV distribution in which I made a number of outrageous claims that I pretty much stand by. It was a bit of an off-the-cuff and not entirely digested attempt to throw out the core bits of the stuff that’s been in my head for a while, so I thought I should briefly mention that I’ve posted a couple of comments in the thread responding to some other people’s opinions and expanding briefly on a couple of the points:

(1) My assumption is that you pay these companies for a whole bunch of television you never even watch – that in terms of ‘must-see’ TV, people probably only really care about five – ten shows at any given time – and that most TV series arcs are between twelve and twenty five weeks, so that’s between a quarter and a half of a year. So even at today’s prices, you’d be paying what – $350 every six months – sixty dollars a month equivalent for ten new fresh shows downloaded every week of month. Now that’s clearly too much money, but it’s not too much by an enormous margin. Drop it down by a third and, you know, you’ve got yourself a deal – between eight to ten shows a week distributed down to my equipment for me to own and use immediately and for as long as I like for about $10 a week? That doesn’t seem so unreasonable.

(2) Think about it this way – the motivation for the content producers is not to give all the revenue to the content distributors, and they may not have to – you only have to see the straight-to-DVD market that Disney exploits to see that, and many shows recently (Futurama / Firefly) make more money on DVD than on TV distribution. There’s already a market (albeit relatively small) for people to buy programmes that have never been (or barely been) on TV. And there’s a huge market for buying media outright. So if it’s in their interest to try and get rid of the middle-man (or find a new one that’s more favourable to them), then they’re eventually going to start working in ways that make things difficult for the TV channels who obviously don’t want their audience balkanised. So they’ll either form partnerships with the content distributors for revenue sharing or they’ll gradually look towards different types of content that don’t suit download so well (Big Brother, perpetual rolling news, radio-style programming, live broadcasts).

(3) In terms of how you promote things if you just avoid broadcasting the shows themselves – well the same way you promote everything else that isn’t a TV show. They promote films without showing them on TV first, they promote albums without people hearing them first. You can buy ads on the TV that’s left, you can put things in the papers, etc. etc. My personal favourite – the US pilot season currently produces dozens of throwaway episode that never get shown, where instead every episode produced as a pilot is released to the public for free download (for the first month) and then if they get enough interest in the show in terms of direct subscriptions or individual pay-for downloads then they produce a full series. All TV shows are risks obviously, so this might move the burden of risk more onto the content producers than the networks, which might produce a more risk averse environment and a need for those companies to get in more revenue with which they can support the failures, but this is only a shift in money generation from the networks to the studios, and that often happens with middle-men anyway. And on the other hand, self-financed projects might get more access to the mainstream, fan favourites could be supported literally by the fans rather than by the advertisers. Componentised, smaller, more nible, more responsive media focused on meeting every niche need. It could work enormously well.

And I should also point out to the people whose post I can see on Technorati but not on their own site for some reason, that I’m not so much predicting that, “Internet TV will move from pay-per-episode to a pay-per-season, one-time subscription model” but that pay-per-season, one-time subscription is the best way to get down the programmes that you actually always want to watch, and that implementing the podcast-like functionality alongside individual downloads at a higher price is the best way to meet user needs and to make downloadable programming a real partner to traditional broadcast.


On tiny, beautiful, little business cards…

I’ve always wanted to get some sexy schwag made and now I have some! And even better than that, soon it won’t just be people like me (the successful, the sexy, the preternaturally flexible) who can get their hands on such a beautiful display of tiny, variable and personalisable goodies. A friend and ex-colleague of mine is sneaking around behind the scenes at the moment trying to get this kind of stuff available to the masses. I’ve been sworn to secrecy in the meantime, but it’s totally awesome and I’ll post more about it when they’re ready for a little more of a public appearance. In the meantime:


Why do people use Spurl?

I have a serious question for you social bookmarking types out there. I’ve been playing with for the last hour or so and I’m really puzzled. It’s not a terrible site by any means, but I’m having real trouble figuring out what kind of usage patterns explain its apparently extraordinary number of URLs and users. It’s got some nice features here and there (liking the archives of top links for previous weeks, for example) but basically I’m stuck and cannot really figure out how or why people choose spurl over any of the other (many dozens) of social bookmarking sites out there. But there must be a reason because so many people are doing it. Any Spurl users out there who can explain their preference?


Links for 2006-04-07