Too much work to do, but lots of interesting ideas going on in the background which makes a nice change. I was interviewed briefly on BBC Essex yesterday morning alongside a pretty smart American lady from HitWise. It was a pretty genial affair, even though the guy did ask me whether or not I kept a diary as a child (answer, “No, I don’t really think weblogs have anything to do with diaries”) and whether or not I have a life, to which there really aren’t answers that don’t make you sound like an arse. I’m assuming that no one who reads this thing actually heard the interview in question? I’m also assuming that no one who heard the interview came onto the web to find my site either.
Which reminds me – I got no traffic whatsoever from being mentioned in the Evening Standard. What does this mean – do people who read the Evening Standard not use the internet at all? Are they just completely uninterested in technology? Are people unable to make that context leap from a newspaper to a website without an immediate functioning hyperlink to click on? Was the article just a bit dumb? Seems to me that there’s a remarkable disjunct between lean back media and the internet. People just don’t seem to go to URLs mentioned on air. Makes you wonder a bit about all the URL-based advertising you see on TV, and why so many people seem to think it’s the only way to get traffic to your site.