
I never knew relaxation was such hard work!

If you’ve tried to comment on the site in the last few hours then you’ll probably already have noticed that I’ve upgraded to MT 3.0 and that I’ve turned on most of the draconian comment features. In the last couple of days I have had the better part of sixty comment spams from various hardcore pornography, bestiality and rape sites and quite frankly I’ve had enough.

Anyway as a result of the upgrade there are a few templates across the site that have broken and look a bit crappy. I’ll try and get that stuff sorted over the weekend, once I’ve ploughed through my new book on Illustrator. I’m so far behind in my various obligations outside work that I can’t really imagine I’m going to get everything done I want to over the next couple of days, but I’m going to give it my best shot. In the meantime, I can recommend Troy – it’s long and it’s not particularly accurate, but it’s mostly pretty compelling and has a few ridiculous Classics jokes which appealed to me in it. Back in a bit.


And relax!

Wow. What a couple of weeks. I’ve been working so hard that at times I swear that my keyboard fingers have been getting cramps. Certainly my brain has. A succession of twelve-hour days, plus travel (including weekends) has left me a little the worse for wear and not really in the fittest state to talk to the general public. And – of course I have this epic post gestating in the background that I can’t get rid of and can’t finish that I really just need to release into the world as is. Mental constipation due to an overly refined diet of work, I think…

Anyway – I’ve carved myself out a long-weekend of slacking off and not thinking about work at all, both Friday and Monday to wander around the place and think about personal stuff and catch up with what’s going on online and clean my flat and try and get a few design treatments done for some things I’m working on. So far I’ve already seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, watched the final episode of Friends and the penultimate Enterprise and Angels, gone for lunch with Cory and ripped a few new albums. And later today (when I’ve got bored of standing up in the Human-Computer Interaction department of Foyles scabbing off their wifi) I’m going to wander off and catch Troy. Tomorrow is cleaning and basic creativity, I think. And then I might spend Sunday on the blog and Monday doing personal project stuff before the slog begins anew… Relaxation is fun.


On hearts in the faeces of virtual insects…

Strange, arcane shapes are starting to appear in the landscape of the breedster eco-system, carved out of the faeces of insects (map):


Social Super-Orders?

Really briefly, there’s a fascinating and short post over at zephoria called Social Technology from MPD to Aspergers in which Danah says:

I have a funny feeling that social technology is back to developing software based on disorders and instigating new ones in people. Only, we’ve move away from schizophrenia and onto autism. Did you ever get the sneaking suspicion that this new wave of “social software” is not really making social life easier, but permitting the kind of social awkwardness that is recognized in Asperger’s?

Having read this I started to wonder to myself whether or not our attempts to gradually improve of ways of socially interacting online would see us pass through a whole range of psychological disorders. Perhaps the limits and barriers to social interaction and identity online really do have very clear offline parallels. Perhaps we won’t be able to enable truly effective collaborative online spaces until we’ve finally started modelling or facilitating these social encounters effectively. And maybe then the various new affordances of the internet will truly come into their own. But what will we have then? I’ll tell you what! A new form of ultra-enabled socially superordered men and women – their prosthetic social enhancements compensating for and transforming any individual awkwardness into truly collaborative endeavours?


What can I say – I'm behind, okay?

So basically what can I say – I’m behind, okay? I’m not doing all the things I want to do as effectively as I like. And yes – there’s a lot of procrastination in there as well. It’s not like I’m busy all the day and night. I’m hardly busy at all, except that when I am doing things, they’re kind of head-intensive and I’m having trouble maintaining concentration on them. So what can I say – I’m behind, okay?

The weblog is the first to suffer of course. I’ve been writing nothing of utility for ages because work’s been crawling through my head all the time saying, “Concentrate on me! Concentrate on me! If you’re not getting stuff done then make sure it’s me that you’re not getting done and not that flighty crap you put up on your site”. My brain is a stupid useless object that doesn’t let me multitask efficiently. I spend long hours plotting how I could reengineer it to be more useful – a couple of bits of bent-over paper-clip heated in a microwave and stuck up my nose and whoosh there goes my obsession with The West Wing. A good blast of Domestos up my nose and maybe I can get rid of my continual nagging self-doubt. The rest of the time I spend fighting my inner demons of “fuckaround” and “watchTV”. When I get stuck on something, what else should I do? I mean it’s not like I could go and do something else more useful instead. As a result my flat’s a state of course. And I haven’t got any clean clothes and stuff. And I haven’t paid my rent yet and it’s really late. So what can I say – I’m behind, okay?

So what I can I say – I’m behind okay, but I actually got something done today! I sent off a quick sketch of a rendezvous application that I’d really like to build with someone who understands how to build applications. I do not. I am a designer of sorts, and hence useless. So I need more cool programmers in my life. Ideally really focused industrious ones who can’t think of anything to build themselves and who find themselves scratching at their legs and rocking backwards and forwards because they can’t fill up their time with constructive amazing work. Essentially, I need anti-mes. And what else? I started to get worked up about a prize that I thought I might be in the running for and then had to calm down about it again. I don’t think I filled in the forms correctly / at all and I don’t know whether I had to or not, but I didn’t, okay? I hate forms. They’re nasty and confusing and I’m obsessed that if I fill them in wrong they’ll put me in prison or something. That’s not me being lazy, okay? That’s just how it is.

What else? Two big documents I want to write – really interesting documents – are icebergs that I keep aiming my brain Titanic at but I can’t seem to hit. And there’s another project – a chunk of a work project (a really really interesting work project that no one’s going to find very interesting to start off with when it launches) – that’s clogging up my head because it’s harder than I expected it to be and I don’t have enough time to do it in. And then there’s barbelith which gets me so down sometimes because I don’t want this to happen to me but I know how easily it can happen and I know some of the stuff I want to do and build and make and experiment with but I don’t know how to get it done in a way that’s not really unfair and exploitative on my collaborators. But there’s lots of interesting guff in there that I’d like to explode – really useful guff. Not your book-learnin’ stuff maybe, but stuff that’s in the wild and working! But then? And then? And then? And then what? When do I get to spill all this stuff out? When do I get to open up my head and let people poke around at the stuff inside and go “ooh” or “aah” or “hmm – that’s a bit rubbish”? When do I get to reengage with the debates that I’m passionate about? When do all the projects in my head start emerging and start being useful and productive rather than loitering around the public loos looking sinister? When do I get to open the gates and let it all out / let them all in?

What can I say – I’m behind, okay?


On Pets TV and working wallpaper…

From behind the mediaguardian registration wall comes this wonderful little weird nugget of BBC-ness:

Pet TV is a service digital viewers can access by pressing the interactive red button on their remotes, for a week-long run from Saturday May 1. It is being billed by the BBC as an attempt to find out what sort of TV programmes, sounds and images animals respond to. The interactive TV service will consist of a looped series of images and sounds, including clips of snooker balls rolling across the green baize, frisbees flying through the air, cat toys and cartoon characters such as Top Cat. The service will also offer clips from more traditional TV fare, such as EastEnders, Neighbours, The Muppet Show and Animal Hospital. Pet TV can be tried out on dogs, cats, birds and even fish, according to the BBC.

Not quite sure what I think of in terms of how entertaining pets might find it, but it could be ideal ambient TV wallpaper. I’m thinking of having it on all the time…


Kill me before I finally snap…

So a friend of mine who I completely love is – well – he’s not really at the cutting-edge of what’s happening online. He normally chucks me links that have been around the web a couple of times in the previous few weeks. I’m not particularly well connected these days, to be honest, so sometimes they’re a discovery for me too. Today, however, he has excelled himself by sending me an awed link to (wait for it) All your base are belong to us! I’m trying not to mock him, but it’s so so very hard to resist. Nnngh. Nngh! Must resist temptation!

I hear what you’re thinking and yes yes – I too was startled by his hideous lapse into the clunky humour of 2001, but I guess we should be more forgiving – he works in the film/tv industry after all and it’s not like they’re particualrly down with the kids. Also they probably have way more important things to do during the day than look at funny flash movies and bitch about Microsoft products. Still, as a result of this discussion I have decided that the world needs a new scale upon which to measure how quickly an individual hears about big memes. We need a Beaufort/Richter scale for memetic clue. I am calling it the RHINE system (based directly on the river in Europe) and using the clunky old metaphor of the memestream (that also probably reached its height in the musty nostalgia of 2001). Essentially, the longer it takes you to hear about rilly cool things on the interweb, the further downstream you are considered to be – with all the commensurate anxieties about who has peed in your drinking water that involves. The novel factor in the scale is that your relative position can be identified with key cities along the Rhine! What fun! Which means, dear old close friend (Kerry), that if the memestream were the Rhine you would live in bloody Rotterdam. I’m more of a Cologne man, myself…


A disease in the Breedster ecosystem…

There’s so much I could write about Breedster if I had the time. I could write about the interesting way it handles new members (you have to put work in to getting food and finding a partner before you can create a new user account and plug someone into it). I could talk about the possibilities of gaming / message-board overlaps and some of the slightly-abortive work that Cal and I did on the not-open-for-business The Mafia Game site. I could talk about the gaming aspects of maintaining a community and the congruence between gaming rule-sets and political rule-sets. I could write about lots of things. There’s loads of stuff I could talk about that’s interesting (to me) here. Instead I’m just going to report that a friend of mine has just contracted a disease in the game – they’ve released an infestation that can affect your bug’s digestive tract and make it harder for you to build up enough strength to fornicate. Watch out everyone, there’s infected poop about. This is a disease of the colon that could (and please forgive me for this) run and run!


A few boring Barbelith stats…

A few interesting Barbelith (temporarily closed for new members) stats which I compiled the other day whlie trying to avoid work. In the last month there have been 14846 undeleted posts on the site, made by around 900 unique user names. That makes around 480 new posts each day, with each user posting around 0.5 times per day or 16 posts a month. After a (hopefully) brief period of reworking, the site will be open again and I hope to see all you guys there.


Thoughts on magic, religion, metaphors and technology…

So this is one of those posts that nothing good can come from. This is because it’s one of those posts that is inspired by something so profoundly clumsy and grotesquely insensitive that I stumbled upon elsewhere that I’m almost loathe to link to the original source. And I’m going to make it worse, I fear, because in order to get some kind of interesting aesthetic resonances I’m going to smash it together with a bit of horrific ethnic sterotyping, cod technology might-be-April-Fools technocrap and some wodges of clumsy Occidentalism. Nothing good can come from such clumsiness, and I want to start off saying before I go any further that I’m a bit ill and that the sheer depths of my ignorance on almost every aspect of what follows should not be underestimated. This is an extended riff around a theme. No more.

Basically the whole thing starts and ends with an extremely dodgy thread on Barbelith – more specifically a thread in the Temple section of the board. This section has the honour of being essentially the best board on the internet about Chaos Magick, paganism and alternative spiritualities. This is in itself a pretty good thing. On the other hand, it’s also a bit of a ghetto that doesn’t mix that well with the rest of the community. I find it even more problematic because for the most part I don’t believe in any of it. I’m basically interested in Magickal practice only in as much as I’m interested in how models of said practice that concentrate on language and sigils tend to intersect with structuralist and post-structuralist thought on language as a conceptual binding agent for the modernist universe. At which point, of course, I should shut up before I sound like a complete twat.

Anyway – back to the questionable thread in question, which has been posted by one of the fun new guys who have been turning up on the site pretty regularly since we opened up the site to Google spidering. The thread is called – rather depressingly – Al queda wizards and is, essentially, about whether Al Qaeda used practicing magicians in order to influence the success of their attacks on the States and across the world. Let me say straight off that it is, in my opinion, a pretty dumb insensitive thread written by a pretty dumb insensitive person. And yet the thread has tweaked my interest because of another post which reads as follows:

“But djinn and efreeti on the battlefield would be so cool, especially if they went up against the robot tanks and battlesuits that are in development.”

Which got me thinking about technology and the way we use it to make the dreamed-of real. Because whether or not we’re at such a place where technologies are able to meet the fantasy desires of human beings – and whether or not those dreams would inevitably have to come with deep-seated provisos and qualifiers and restrictions – it’s pretty clear that these fantasies and beliefs and aspirations and desires are starting to be made real. Moreover it’s increasingly clear that our aspiration is to do this – that technology is moving more and more towards the attempt to fulfil things that have been human fantasies for hundreds or thousands of years.

Let’s start with some simple examples – which fantasies have we seen become technologised and then become commonplace? A few hundred years ago, it was the magical objects that were the focus of our aspirational children’s fantasies – fairy stories of enchanted carpets that could whisk you anywhere you wanted, cave-doors that would only open if you knew the correct passwords, magical talking beasts that could aid you in your quests, objects that responded to your whim in some way from a distance. And these objects gradually become technologised in our myth-making as they become increasingly close to plausible. The talking horses and magic carpets became the talking cars full of gadgets, the magic carpets secret military helicopters hidden in atolls. The man who could call down the power of the sun became the man with the orbiting satellite. And then the cars in real-life got GPS and computer controlled suspension and cruise controls and the televisions started keeping programmes for you that you liked and the houses started turning the lights on when you got home or responding to your voice-print. Magic became aspirational fantasy technology became real-life technology. And it’ll keep happening. It’s not that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic – it’s that the aimof all technological advancement is to aspire towards the appearance of magic.

Some fantasies were born from a scientific mindset – a modernist frame of being – but had no relationship to science itself. Many of these were fantasies of aspirational human powers – extensions and enhancements of the self that are best exemplified by super-heros and comic books. These characters – given their gifts by collisions of lightning and mysterious chemicals or by the rays of strange exotic suns – might as well have been purely mystical in origin for all their relationship to any laws of thermodynamics that I’m familiar with. But that too started to change. A few decades ago a fresh pass of the fantasy crystals of TV-land created the six-million dollar man. And technologists started to try and buildworkable jet-packs. Our sensibilities with regard to fantasy started to change and our super-heroic figures started blurring more in with the realms and limits of technological possibility. And now our soldiers are wearing nanofibre weaves that make them nigh-on indestructible and have extended senses that make normal humans look comparatively useless. Binoculars become smart-glasses, clothing becomes exo-skeletal or supportive and people keep working on the jet-pack every few decades. And why? Because fundamentally people want to fly like the birds fly and they’ll keep dreaming about it until someone has made it real – however long it takes.

And while the extreme ends of super-heroics are visible on the horizon, even now we can see traces of the future possibilities of implants and genetic development in the cyborgised grannies with hi-tech hips and knees. The next few hundred years will see the development of human beings in directions that will astonish us. Any sufficiently advanced (and rich) human being will be indistiguishable from a super-hero (or a super-villain – but more on that later).

Which brings me to the religious and mystical aspirations like the idea of djinn and efreeti on the battlefield. Fundamental dreams and concepts that have lived in the narratives of cultures for millennia. And immediately I’m drawn to attempts to bring about religious events with technology that I’ve read about in Wired. Unfortunately I read it in an April (Fools?) issue of Wired so I don’t know if I believe it or not (I’m thinking not), but the story remains online and it’s scary and plausible enough to support the weight of my flimsy argument even if it’s not true: How a hologram, a blimp and a massively multiplayer game could bring about the end of the world. The article suggests that a prophecy says that a temple made of light will descend onto the site of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem – and some rather nutty technologists are proposing to make it happen with mist, some holograms and a convenient blimp. Apparently, there’s no collision with what is understood by the religions in question (Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity) except that a lamb must be sacrificed onto the altar and they’re wondering how its blood could be spilt on something with no physical substance. Prophecy is a different thing to fantasy, and this story may be total bunk, but the promise remains – could technology be used to satisfy another few aspirational desires in ways that – to all outsiders – would look like magic…

So what about djinn and efreeti on the battlefield? Will they be battling robots? Well, we already have concepts of smart dust, and self-organising swarms and motes. We already have illustrative science fiction concepts that place distributed technologies in the Middle East. Who’s to say that resurgent interest in technology combined with non-Christian value systems might not generate technologies that are built around radically non-Western metaphor sets or aspirations? Who’s to say that cultures that are based around the ultimate stability of the nation-state might not concentrate on representations of the enhanced body politic, the ultimate Westerner/Viking/ThunderGods, while cultures who have a different relationship to statehood, a different relationship to land and a different land to have a relationship with (or who are concentrated around religious identities, or in extreme cases have an understand of warfare at the cellular guerilla level, or have a more nomadic heritage – but generally just have a radically different set of metaphors and aspirations to cast into matter in the heat of technology) might view their goal to make the very land itself swarm up and fight back – to make the powerful spirits of their traditions emerge from narrative and into reality.

The world of the future, then, is full of the products of our fantasies but is it a better place? As ever it’s impossible to say. The story of the human race is no different from that of most other creatures – there’s always a tension between what’s good for the individual and what good for the collective or the environment or ecosystem within which they operate. And fantasy is a singular thing, the product of one mind wanting to put itself in the centre of an idealised future. But not everyone can be in the centre and so as individuals get catered for more and more, there’s ever more reason for people to ignore the collective and concentrate on their own gain. Arguing that the future is full of dreams fulfilled doesn’t make it necessarily Utopian – it simply means that individuals are able to experience things they’ve only dreamed of before. Whether the indirect consequence of this is that they’re also forced to experience a degradation in society and the environment that they’ve only dreamed of before is unclear. Most likely balances will be struck, equilibria found, and fantasy will move on through to the creation of more authentic experiences, new and more vigorous attempts to become the individual godheads we all secretly crave to be (in one field or another). And only the variety of cultural backgrounds that we have around us can hope to provide us with enough metaphor sets to provide us with enough new avenues for discovery to last us in the longer term. The future we’re looking towards may be one where memetic biodiversity is severely threatened as all our dreams come true.

Addendum: Think of this as the product of an unsound metabolism and don’t take it too seriously. The satisfaction I’m getting from such a large mind-dump is enormous, but don’t take that as sufficient reason to believe that anything within it is even slightly plausible. It might get edited for sense over the next couple of days as I try to find out what it’s supposed to be about.