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Links for 2007-01-22

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Links for 2007-01-20

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Links for 2007-01-19

  • YouTube has video of the Jeep Waterfall I linked to something like this a while back – a system of valves programmed to open and close very rapidly release inkjet like blobs of water, creating a fountain in which words fall from the air. Very cool.
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Links for 2007-01-16


Good luck, Simon Willison!

The most important news of the day as far as I’m concerned is that it’s the last day of my little colleague Simon Willison‘s stint at Yahoo!, which means that our little inpromptu dysfunctional family that started with Simon and I locked in a room with each other a little over fourteen months ago, and which was extended by young Mr Hammond‘s arrival in March, is now back to two again. That Simon and I have managed to be pretty much solidly in each other’s company for over a year now without killing each other is probably a testament to how cool he can be. I have to confess that I will miss him terribly.

He’s going to be spending two days a week doing freelance work and public speaking and living in Oxford with his lovely girlfriend, so if you need anyone with an astonishing grasp of Python, Django, CSS, HTML, Javascript, Ajax, OpenID, Web APIs and about a thousand other things, then this is the time you should be contacting him and begging. There may be some form of drinks this evening. Contact Simon or maybe Norm (who I’ve decided to nominate for the job of organising said drinks) if you want to know more.

Generally, though, it’s a time of significant change, which is why I’ve not been writing much recently. It’s all a little overwhelming. More when I’ve got some perspective on it all.

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Links for 2007-01-13

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Links for 2007-01-12

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Links for 2007-01-11

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Links for 2006-12-30


Taking a little time off…

It may not surprise many of you to know that the last month or so has not been without its stresses. I’ve made, unmade and remade a number of significant decisions in a number of weird areas of significant impact to my lifemore of which in the new year. I’ve also been rather swamped in both my work and personal life. And finally I’ve found myself in the company of a great many people in lamenting the death of a friend and pioneer of the creative and expressive web. I’ve wanted to write a proper post about Leslie since the moment I heard the news, but I’ve not really known what to say. So I’ve been remembering her with friends off the web instead. The world is much the worse without her.

Anyway, during the last month or two, my site has suffered enormously. Many things I’ve wanted to write remain unwritten, many things I’ve wanted to take apart remain unscrutinised and I’ve made a conscious commitment not to take on any more commitments until such time that I get everything in order, which has meant missing out on a few really interesting opportunities. The truth of the matter is I’ve been in danger of burning out a bit and so I’ve decided to take the holiday that I’m due and take a little bit of a break from the web. So I’m planning for the next week or two to be barely online, to not be posting unless I just find myself doing it and to basicallywelllet my brain get its shape back.

I’ve still got a lot I want to get out, and I’m thinking the period after Christmas or in the early New Year might be a good time to do so, but for the moment I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone. Spend time with your loved ones, make something for fun and change your environment for a little while and I’m sure it’ll do you the same world of good that my two days in Norfolk so far is already doing for me. I’ll see you all soon! x Tom