Photography Technology

Paul Hammond has reignited Favcol…

So a couple of years ago Matt Webb made a little site called Favcol that you could e-mail pictures to. Once you’d done so, it averaged out the colours, and blended it all together with all the other pictures in the system in an attempt to find the web’s favourite colour. It was pretty awesome, actually.

Anyway, it’s back! But this time there’s a twist. In fact there are a couple. First up – Paul Hammond has taken up the mantle from Mr Webb. Secondly he’s rewritten the code and started to push the concept in an entirely new direction. Now all you have to do is tag up your photos on Flickr with ‘favcol’ to have them appear on the site. This is, frankly, pretty neat and pretty easy. Interestingly when looking for an earlier post on favcol, I stumbled upon this old post from the plastic past: On Flickr, Favcol and my experience of weblogging in which I sort of propose something similar, which just goes to show that – LazyWeb be damned – building something well is way way way more important than thinking about shit.

PS. Wow, has been trackback spammed to hell and back.


Another day at Yahoo…

Today at work, Terry Semel armwrestled Tom Cruise and we watched on a video link in the cafeteria while eating tacos.


Links for 2006-03-19


Links for 2006-03-18


Links for 2006-03-17


Los Angeles is a pretty weird town…

I think the most troubling bit is the doors into the abdomen – behind which presumably lurk massive pulsing internal organs. Anyway, just arrived, have got computer access again and am now planning to digest the last couple of weeks pretty thoroughly with Mr Biddulph. This should mean that there’s at least a temporary increase in dumb posts.


Why I've been so quiet recently…

I’ve been quiet for the last couple of days, so I thought I should just duck online briefly to explain why. My computer’s backlight has failed and as a consequence, I can’t actually see anything on the screen, which makes responding to e-mail or posting to weblogs pretty hard. Also SXSW is a bit of a ride, and frankly I’m a bit overwhelmed and exhausted after nine days of consecutive conference activity. I’ve heard no more about the Barbelith legal threats, for those of you who have asked. Thanks for your concern. As of tomorrow I’m heading off for a few days of vacation to get my head together, and then I’m back in San Francisco at the mothership until the end of the week.

While I’m on the subject, however, I’m going to be in New York on Friday and Saturday night and I have yet to organise anywhere to stay. It’s not a work thing, so I was wondering if anyone had any comfy floor / bedspace? I’m going to be pretty occupied while I’m out there, so I’ll probably not be the best houseguest, but if you don’t ask, etc. etc.


Links for 2006-03-13


Links for 2006-03-12


Arrival in Austin for SXSW 2006…

Right, I’m in Austin now for SXSW and struggling a bit to catch up with all the various things I need to sort out across work and personal projects and life. I’ve spent most of the afternoon in Halcyon with Biddulph and the Rev Dan Catt dealing with a whole range of things. Worst news of the day – I got a threatening letter from some lawyers about some stuff I’m having to deal with over on Barbelith. So I’ve been talking to people in the UK about that and trying to work out how to proceed. It’s probably going to mean taking some stuff down, which is a shame, but I’m 5000 miles away and two and a half weeks away from my own bed, so I can’t see any way I can really interrogate it properly at the moment.

Our arrival at the Halcyon was the start of a string of coincidences. We were looking for the location for the Break Bread with Brad event, walked from the hotel, found the place and decided to sit in a local caf√© and get some stuff done. As we walked in, we bumped into Andy Budd, Drew and a whole variety of other assorted front end design enthusiasts – several thousand miles from Brighton. And while talking to them, from behind us, we got pounced on by Flickr‘s ownRev Dan Catt, who Mr Biddulph and I have now been sitting with for… er… around six hours.

Next up – we’re going to go and register, and meet up with Thomas Vander Wal before ploughing through another truck load of stuff.