
The Nexus has completely disintegrated…

The Nexus has completely disintegrated, and I have no idea why. I am working on the problem, but I don’t really know what is going on, so I don’t know how easy it will be to fix. Keep your fingers crossed, otherwise our burgeoning proto-community may have collapsed before it even really began…


On "Browser 2.0"

A while ago there was a book called “Browser”. Now there is Browser 2.0, and it’s great. I was wandering through it in Covent Garden’s Waterstones the other day and was amazed by some of the quality of the sites and browsers that it contained. Normally with these kind of books, the sites are all displayed to their best advantage in print, and when you see them on the screen they seem to lose something.

Anyway, as a sampler, here’s a few of the best sites that it contained: [much cooler than it sounds], [you remember all those bits in films where hackers are traced through loads of computers. This is a bit like that and you can do it on the web], and my favourite of the moment: BureauDestruct [check out the random 60s logo generator prog].

Can anyone figure out what the hell these people are talking about? The Bomb is mentioned half way down the page.

Life update: I went to see American Beauty on Saturday night and adored it. But it also sorted out loads of things in my head. So now I am living where I am until the end of the month, then taking two weeks holiday and moving stuff up to my parents (and either going to Mexico to see my ex-boyfriend or the SXSW Interactive thing in Austin, Texas so that I can finally meet all those cool people I see lurking around the net). Then I am back working in London and looking for a flat with Kate and Manuella while staying on the floors of friends. Note how I haven’t mentioned Max in this two month period. That is because he is not going to be in this two month period (I give it a week, but let’s try to be positive).


The first IRL meeting of the Nexus…

ANNOUNCEMENT: The first multi-national IRL meeting of The Nexus will be taking place this coming Friday (4th February) at various locations across the globe. Check The Nexus for details of local meetings.

For those of you in London – many of us (hopefully) will be meeting at the Leisure Lounge in King’s Cross before proceeding to Popstarz’s new home at The Scala. These are indie/alternative nights at mixed gay/straight venues. I will be at the Leisure Lounge from about 8.30pm and I don’t expect to leave the club until approaching 5am the following day. I have no idea how I will recognise people, although someone suggested that we all wear black trousers and t-shirts, which is an intriguing mixture of Left-Bank Existentialist Philosopher and Denizen of Geekworld. If anyone wants more details, then just drop me a line at tom – at – – otherwise I look forward to seeing you there.

I’ll stick up another reminder on Friday morning!


Bomb was on TV…

So The Bomb was indeed on TV last night. Slightly bizarre seeing my work up on the screen. Certainly not unpleasant, but strange nonetheless.

I have about a thousand links that I have been building up over the last week or so, but I am going to save all of them until tomorrow. Instead a quick bit of boring life monologue. Feel free to barf if it gets too self-indulgent.

For the first time in nearly a month, I am at home on a Friday night. I hate being at home on a Friday night. Cos then Saturday morning just oozes past so slowly and suddenly you only have a day left before work begins. Today’s reason is as amusing as ever. I decide it would be a cool thing (you know – meet knew people, show Max how cool I am with the whole not going out this) to hang out with Max and friends – and drop him a note seeing what he is doing this evening. He says that he’ll ring me today. And then he doesn’t ring. At 5 I think I should find out what he is up to so I ring him. He sounds flustered and then says that on second thoughts it probably isn’t the best idea if I go out this evening since he is trying to line up another guy. So I am left on a Friday night with nothing to do but sit around thinking about Max sleeping with other people. There’s a fun evening for you.

Still I might manage to wangle a drink out of Evil Nick if I get a chance. Only time will tell.


The Bomb's going to be on telly…

So an incredibly cool thing might be about to happen to me. Channel Four have a late night slot called 4 later. On this slot is a TV program called Disinfo Nation which is hosted by Richard Metzger with whom I have (many moons ago) had many an e-chat. Anyway – so I am checking my referrers log when I stumble upon the page above, in which tonight’s episode is said to include (and I quote):

“Websites of the week belong to The Bomb, a fan site dedicated for Grant Morrison’s cult comic book The Invisibles (which contains an amusing “Dress Up Lord Fanny” cartoon game), plus porn queen Rebecca Lord’s own informative sleaze site (in which she doubtless dresses up her own Lord “F”, just not in such amusing colours…)”

It looks like The Bomb is going to be on TV! Set your videos for 00.45am on Channel 4 (UK).

Mini Bio: Richard Metzger was in charge of scamming the corporate weirdos into funding disinformation before they freaked when they saw what he had done with it. Needless to say they let him, the company and quite a large amount of money go in one fell swoop. Metzger managed to get vast amounts of publicity and tapped into the zeitgeist that also abortively produced The X-files to produce a site that actually made money. He’s now merged with the omni-directional Razorfish SubNetwork, but we don’t blame him for that in any way.

There’s so much more I want to talk about, but I haven’t got time. Brief personal news items for those of you that care:

  • Kate and Manuella look like they are not going to be ready to move into a flat when I need to which means I am back to tromping around North London.
  • Job goes through ups and downs (as ever) although at the moment I seem to be in a bit of an up.
  • General background tension at a high at the moment, which makes me too sensitive to the whims of fortune – leading to frantic desire to go out and pull someone in order to reassert claim to being reasonably attractive. Except I know I am utterly unattractive when in these moods – irony hasn’t escaped me.
  • Managed to make my hair look good for about twenty minutes this afternoon, which is a record for the month. Have taken this as a good sign and am proud of myself.

Introducing Mark…

The net gets younger and younger. Riot Hero is still at school (15! 15!) and is producing an above average weblog dripping with interesting little tricks and techniques. It’s enough to make you feel practically octogenarian. He’s never even eaten a lima bean.


An interesting day…

Interesting day – I met up with a guy I knew MANY years ago at Bristol. Very interesting day indeed.

This is a brief quote from the weblog at the beginning of November: “So – everyone on the Nexus hates the new look for this site. Which is a bit disappointing, I have to admit. It seems slightly pathetic to actually ask people for nice comments. [10:49:17 AM]” Opinions are mixed on the new look as well. Very strange day. Very strange day indeed.

American Beauty [Non-Official/Official] won three Golden Globes. My friend Katy designed a really impressive site for the film. My other friend Kate has a friend called Tara who is also really cool, pretty scary and inspired the phrase “GODZILLA! / tiny japanese village” (don’t ask). She also worked on the film. We all wish her the very best. Very exciting times indeed…


In the middle of a redesign…

Hey kids – look! I am in the middle of redesigning The Nexus.


Typical Max encounter…

I’m not normally one for this kind of thing, but someone suggested I have a look – and what do you know – it looks just like BARBELITH.

I have decided to have a policy in which I suggest links at the top of each new entry and those few of you who want to follow the unending soap opera of my life can then read on into the paragraphs below.

Biggest worry of the week is film censorship. There’s this really interesting article about a film which has just been banned outright in Australia (disinformation). This comes at the same time that standards in the UK seem to be relaxing (with the release of films like Head On). I can’t be the only person in the world who thinks that an adult should have no restrictions on what they CAN see, and that they should figure out for themselves what they WANT to see. Doesn’t seem very tricky to me at all!

What have I been up to? I went for a drink with Evil Michael after work on Friday at the Leisure Lounge in King’s Cross. He was great fun for a while, but became increasingly irritable and aggressive the more drunk he became. I get a little worried about him at these times, and frankly I don’t know what to do about it. I then decamped to Popstarz, which was exhausting, but fun, and having been drinking for eight and a half hours I decided I should go home – only to discover that my landlord had wandered into my place, knocked a couple of things over, stood on a plate and removed my blinds without asking me. Since I have no curtains and face the sunrise, my actual sleep amounted to about two hours. And while I was hiding under the duvet from the world, Evil Michael rang at 9am forcing me to shout at him a lot.

Saturday night was spent with Max, with long and intense conversations in which I said that I didn’t think I should see him for a while. He got a little upset by this, said OK, then we went to a late night showing of the Matrix and he rang me the next morning. All very strange.

Flat problems may be getting gradually closer to being resolved. Kate has suggested we talk about the possibilities of living together and with Manuella. I am more than happy to do this, except for the fact that they don’t want to do it as quickly as I do (which means that I might have to live on people’s floors for a couple of weeks – gulp). Still – at least it’s a move in the right direction.


Reviewing Trompe Le Monde…

Shit. Tom wasted a morning writing a review of The Pixie’s last album Trompe Le Monde.